What exactly does an Investment Banker do?

Question by evil cookie: What exactly does an Investment Banker do?
and would you have any tips for an IB interview?


Best answer:

Answer by Nathiya
Investment banker’s duty is to advise their clients on high level issues of financial organization. They handle issuance of bonds, recommend and execute strategies for taking over and merging with other companies, and handle selling a company’s stock to the public. Work weeks of 70 hours or more are common, and all night sessions before deals close are the rule rather than the exception. Most commonly, investment bankers who leave the profession go on to financial jobs in-house with a client of their former banking firm, as financial officers and analysts. Bankers who have become sufficiently established, with clients who trust them and reputations for expertise in their fields, can become entrepreneurs, leaving their firms to set up their own investment banks.

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