Can someone explain this in an easier way.?

Question by Arrow: Can someone explain this in an easier way.?
I don’t really get this statement:

Excessive lending under loosened underwriting standards, which was a hallmark of the United States housing bubble, resulted in a very large number of sub prime mortgages. These high risk loans had been perceived to be mitigated by securitization. Rather than mitigating the risk, however, this strategy appears to have had the effect of broadcasting and amplifying it in a domino effect.

Best answer:

Answer by Books
It’s saying that money was loaned to people who couldn’t afford to pay it back. The loans were sold to investors to spread the risk. The amount was so great that spreading the risk by selling the loans to other investors just caused greater damage.

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Is securitization student loans make it easier or harder for students to get a loan?

issue by : Is securitization student loans make it easier or harder for students to get a loan
Is it easier or harder for students to get a loan? How so? Achelios Well, thank you for your answer, but this is true for all loans everywhere. I’m talking about specific securitization. I think I understand the answer anyway. Securitization by private companies that allows them to pay student loans, providing more opportunities for students looking to borrow a loan. I’ll leave the question if someone has a better answer. I was not sure if the pooling loans and selling shares to investors affect interest or not Best response rates:.

response Achelios
once you start paying for the loan, then you make history paiementSi you pay on time and as agreed … then it will help you build créditToutefois, if the amount of student loan (s) is not severely limited, then it can still affect your ability to lend because of debt-revenuune once you get the balance ratio will be paid to a small amount, and if always paid on time and at least the full monthly payment under … then it can be

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