What you did not see on ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN regarding the housing meltdown..?

Query by violated2: What you did not see on ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN concerning the housing meltdown..?
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Greatest answer:

Answer by Rocket34
and what that does not show is the predatory lenders who set up mortgages they knew the purchasers couldn’t pay, using fine print…

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Q&A: the subprime meltdown econ test?

Question by taylah.: the subprime meltdown econ test?
i have a test on the subprime meltdown need to know these key words just basically their defiinition and the role they play in a meltdown….
the fed
the prime rate
alan greenspan
NASDAQ bubble
ben bernanke
subprime loan
types of subprime loans
adjustable rate (ARM – balloon)
SEC-securities exchange commission
diversifying risk
off balance sheet entities
troubled assets
taxpayer protection
making homes affordable plan
office of financial stability
ARRA (the stimulus) – discription
keynesian economics
supply side economics – reaganomics – milton friedman)

Best answer:

Answer by Bored Goblin
“the fed” are the upper-class people, who benefitted by ripping off the “the hungry” during the crisis.

you can look up other terms here: http://wikipedia.org

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doing a paper on the US government role in the current mortgage/housing meltdown?

Question by Tim6298: doing a paper on the US government role in the current mortgage/housing meltdown?
What points should I try to make? Any good articles, or websites?
Anything that will list policies that were put in place but the governement that led to the current housing crisis, and policies that will get us out of it

Best answer:

Answer by stephen sexton
Accually goverment caused the melt down in the first place. During the Clinton years they said lenders need to lower their regulations so lower income people could get loans for homes. People they wouldn’t have lended to before. Then as time went on more and more lower income people could get bigger and bigger loans and then could’nt pay them back. Now your want goverment to fix the problem they created. Interesting.

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Why do people still think the economic meltdown was caused by Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment Act?

Question by Change Now: Why do people still think the economic meltdown was caused by Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment Act?
This is the most ignorant thing I have heard so far from this economic meltdown.

Don’t people know that securitization of residential and commercial mortgage and the out of control derivatives is what caused this mess.

The CRA contributed, but an extremely minor role. I heard that as little as 1 out of 20 bad mortgages were attributable to the these type of subprimes.

If someone can provide evidence to the contrary, I would be grateful.

Best answer:

Answer by Proud Texan
Fox fictional News and Rush Limbaugh told them to believe it without question.

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