Why are people still hoodwinked into believing the Community Reinvestment Act is major reason why we’re here?

Question by Change Now: Why are people still hoodwinked into believing the Community Reinvestment Act is major reason why we’re here?
What a load of propaganda crap that the right has plopped on the American psyche.

There are people out there who actually think that the CRA brought down our economy. What fools,

The CRA was created at a time when subprimes could be easily absorbed into the market. They would make up less than 5% of all mortgages.

The current catastrophe was caused by SECURITIZATION of mortgages. Harvard MBA’s used derivatives and came up with a mathematical model for rich people to get richer because they weren’t making enough money thru other fixed returns like T-Bills.

The banks made tons and tons of money by packaging this load of crap and selling them onto pension funds, etc. all around the world.

When people couldn’t pay the monthly minimums and the underlying asset prices stopped rising and began to fall, the whole house of cards came crashing down. The CRA loans to poor folks with small loan balances played a small role. Most of the bad loans were on speculators or on big mortgages

Best answer:

Answer by M Taylor
The root of the problem is that the average American is a moron. Its not PC to say this and plenty of people who profit from those morons will be quick to feign indignation if anyone says it, but it doesn’t make it any less true.

There is a reason that you have more votes for American Idol then the next President of the United States.

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Why do people still think the economic meltdown was caused by Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment Act?

Question by Change Now: Why do people still think the economic meltdown was caused by Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment Act?
This is the most ignorant thing I have heard so far from this economic meltdown.

Don’t people know that securitization of residential and commercial mortgage and the out of control derivatives is what caused this mess.

The CRA contributed, but an extremely minor role. I heard that as little as 1 out of 20 bad mortgages were attributable to the these type of subprimes.

If someone can provide evidence to the contrary, I would be grateful.

Best answer:

Answer by Proud Texan
Fox fictional News and Rush Limbaugh told them to believe it without question.

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Why do people continue to think the banks were forced to create bad mortgages?

Question by Change Now: Why do people continue to think the banks were forced to create bad mortgages?
This is the most ignorant statement I hear people make on this post.

The banks were not forced to make bad loans. They did it on their own free will because of the creative financing technique called securitization.

If they are talking about CRA, that was a very minor part of the overall picture.

Best answer:

Answer by DAR
THe CRA was a key part of the picture, actually. And as for the rest, it is the federal reserve fixing interest rates so low the resulting free money to wall street had to find a bubble to build. The CRA and Fannie Freddie guarantees just guaranteed that that bubble would be in housing.

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