Latest Audit Service News

Audit shows legislative branch sat on 3.5 million nest egg at start of the
The Legislative Audit Advisory Commission accepted an an audit for the 2012-13 fiscal year that showed the House, Senate and legislative service agencies sat on a $ 153.5 million reserve fund coming into the 2013-14 fiscal year. (Jan Murphy/Pennlive …
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Audit: IRS Does Not 'Effectively Track' Computers That Are 'Recycled Or Donated'
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) needs to improve its processes for disposing of unneeded computers, printers, and servers, according to a report publicly released today by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA). TIGTA reviewed …
Read more on The Weekly Standard (blog)

Jacksonville Fire and Rescue audit finds issues with drug logs, billing
The audit, which took place in March 2013, also revealed that hundreds of Emergency Medical Service transports were not billed by a third-party company tasked with handling the city's billing. Rescue Unit 22. The report found that of the 70,000 …
Read more on WJXT Jacksonville

Most current Chain Of Title News

Why do we enjoy Greek yogurt and cupcakes?
Q: Cupcakes made the title of your new book. Why? A: There is absolutely nothing far more emblematic of the age of food … The appeal of fondue these days is isolated to the Melting Pot (chain restaurant). But an complete way of socializing was constructed around this meals …
Read far more on Edmonton Journal

Tuffail tries his hat on for size at mayor-creating ceremony
Town and district councillor Tuffail, 53, was sworn in at the Aylesbury College occasion on Friday evening, where former mayor Tom Hunter-Watts handed over the chain of workplace and shook his hand. Allison Harrison, town councillor for Oakfield, joined in …
Read a lot more on Bucks Herald

Newest Chain Of Title News

Keel &amp Curley Sees Vibrant Future in Franchising
… massive supermarkets, but the trouble with supermarkets is they&#39ve got a thousand bottles of wine on the shelves,&quot stated Cost, who owns many profitable franchise operations, such as the 250-unit Goin&#39 Postal chain of retail shipping and receiving …
Read more on The Ledger

Lawmakers eye shoreline guidelines, cell phone ban
And the litter that falls into the lake from the trees and bushes close to the water supplies the power that feeds the bottom of the meals chain, making it stronger and thereby producing the whole food chain — including fish — healthier.&quot In other …
Study a lot more on Brattleboro Reformer

Latest Forensic Auditing News

NSEL investors seek forensic audit of all significant brokers
Calling National Spot Exchange Ltd (NSEL) as a &#39dummy exchange with Ponzi financing scheme&#39, the NSEL Investor&#39s Action Group has requested Mumbai police to initiate a forensic audit of all significant brokers and investigate the role of brokers in the pair&nbsp…
Read much more on Moneylife

Auditors terminated fresh begin for Brandon Library
Karl Haiser is at present conducting a forensic audit of the library soon after Director Paula Gauthier resigned abruptly on Nov. 14 amidst concerns about why the library had not received state help income for the past five years. Bill DiSessa, a …
Study more on Clarkston News

Ansonia officials hope audit shines light on rightful owner of 0K
The aldermen, during its meeting Tuesday, authorized a recommendation from Mayor David Cassetti to employ Shelton accounting firm Blum Shapiro to carry out a forensic audit of the funds. Officials mentioned Madeline Bottone, the former Town and City Clerk, used&nbsp…
Study more on New Haven Register

The last banking collapse in 1989 Conservatives didnt have a fake news network covering their tracks for them?

Question by Smoking Joe: The last banking collapse in 1989 Conservatives didnt have a fake news network covering their tracks for them?
….and bankers actually went to jail (Keating and Milken, among others).
Do the banks now realize they don’t have to tell the truth anymore because they have Fox News and AM radio lying for them 24/7, confusing and enraging their doltish listeners?

Best answer:

Answer by team
They must have fooled obama too

Do you think obama is so hapless he couldn’t have Eric Holder haul them into court???

Give your answer to this question below!

Latest Chain Of Securitization Audit News

Avnet, Inc. Reports Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2013 Results
While our book to bill ratio closed slightly above parity in all three regions, we continue to operate in a supply chain environment characterized by relatively short and stable lead times that encourages customers to take a conservative approach to …
Read more on MarketWatch (press release)

Latest Chain Of Title Audit News

NSB police: We may never know who took the evidence money
In October 2012, the Police Department hired Robert A. Brongel, a retired investigator with the Florida Division of Insurance Fraud, to conduct an external audit of “high risk” evidence exhibits: weapons, narcotics, jewelry and firearms. A summary of …
Read more on Daytona Beach News-Journal

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
So Wallace, not unreasonably, wants to know if it's possible that Wolin never told Tim Geither and that Geithner never passed it on up the chain. Fife says that the … He says that the IRS is going to go through a month-long audit, now. Wallace wants …
Read more on Huffington Post

Former IRS Chief Unsure How Targeting Happened
In his first public remarks since the story broke, Shulman said: "I agree this is an issue that when someone spotted it, they should have brought it up the chain. And they didn't. I don't know why." Asked by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, … George, the …
Read more on The Ledger

Latest Chain Of Title Audit News

On section 1203
If I were Ms. Lerner, Mr. Miller (who relied heavily on 6103 in his testimony), or anyone in that chain, 1203 would be a huge concern. It is for every Service employee, which is why I and others were always very cautious about taking unapproved …
Read more on Power Line (blog)

Glenn Gruenhagen, Minnesota State Legislator, Blames UN For Climate Change
He also cited a 2010 InterAcademy Council audit of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a U.N.-formed organization, saying it showed problems with the science behind climate change. The audit report said that the IPCC has made mistakes with …
Read more on Huffington Post